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Cervicogenic Dizziness

Cervicogenic dizziness is rooted in an issue that comes from the cervical spine/neck. Dizziness with this condition typically occurs when there is a change in head position or after holding a head position for prolonged periods.Symptoms that can accompany...

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

Do you feel dizzy when you change positions?  If so, you may have a common condition of dizziness called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV for short. Common movements that trigger dizziness with this condition is rolling over in bed, getting in...

Radial Tunnel Syndrome

Do you suffer from muscle weakness, tingling, numbness, or pain in the hand? If so, you may have a condition involving nerve compression.The big question is… which nerve is it?There are 3 nerves that give sensation to the hand:Radial NerveUlnar nerveMedian...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/Median Nerve Compression

Do you suffer from muscle weakness, tingling, numbness, or pain in the hand? If so, you may have a condition involving nerve compression.The big question is… which nerve is it?There are 3 nerves that give sensation to the hand:Median nerveUlnar nerveRadial...

Ulnar Nerve Compression

Do you suffer from muscle weakness, tingling, numbness, or pain in the hand? If so, you may have a condition involving nerve compression.The big question is… which nerve is it?There are 3 nerves that give sensation to the hand:Ulnar nerveRadial nerveMedian...

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